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Membership in βιος-SBSCY is open to all Biologists in Cyprus by application, without exclusions of any type, in line with international practice and the EU legislation for professional mobility. Its regular members have a degree in the wide field of Biology and include scientists in education and academia, researchers, technicians, professionals in the public and private sectors and industry, students and non-professionals who are interested in Biology.

Membership registration requires the submission to the Board of a completed application form. The registration and annual subscription fees will be periodically revised. Current registration fees are 20 Euros per year. After approval of your application, you’ll receive a message with payment details.

Types of Membership

In order to become a Member of the Society, one must

  • have completed his/hers 18th year of age,
  • endorse the aims and constitution of the Society, and
  • hold a degree or perform research or any other project related to the Biological Sciences.

The Members of the Society are classified into Regular, Corresponding and Honorary.

Regular Members are the founding as well as subsequent members who reside in Cyprus (Cypriots or foreigners) at the time of registration and meet the above criteria.

Corresponding Members are members who reside abroad (Cypriots or foreigners), at the time of registration and who meet the above criteria.

Honorary Members include persons who have been particularly distinguished for their contribution to the Biological Sciences. A proposal for the pronouncement of an Honorary Member can be put forward either by the Board of the Society or by at least 5 (five) Regular Members. The Honorary Members are approved by the General Assembly.