Lucy Shahabian.
Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics

Lucy has obtained her BSc in Human Biology at the University of Nicosia, followed by an MSc in Molecular Medicine (full scholarship) at the Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics (CING). She also holds a Diploma of Higher Education in Chemistry from Cardiff University. She is currently a PhD Student in Molecular Medicine at the CING, where she specialises in innovative, data driven strategies to evaluate the phenotype of Alzheimer’s Disease. She is currently in the works of using drugs designed for Type II diabetes on murine models of AD to slow down the progression of the disease.
She has served as Student Representative for two consecutive years at the CING, firstly for her program, and then as the Head Student Rep for all programs of study. She served as a liaison between students and faculty, to ensure effective communication, attended student and administrative council meetings to represent peer viewpoints, and advocated for improvements in the academic programs and facilities.
She was part of the organizing committee for several Seminars such as the COST EU-CardioRNA MC & WG Meeting, the first conference of the SBSCy, Young Researcher’s Night, and Αγγίζω την Υγεία. Lucy also served as the president of the Greek and Cypriot Society of Cardiff University during her time in the UK and organized several charity and networking events for students.
She is passionate with science communication in particular, and this is why she was a trainer of young children aged 10-13 at a STEAM bicommunal summer camp during the summer of 2022. She is eager to give guidance to younger researchers or students who start their research journey now, and help them get involved in science communication and the organization of science events in Cyprus. She is a new member of the SBSCy Elected Board, and is interested in sharing SBSCy’s purpose to younger audiences involved in Molecular Sciences and Biology.