Spyros Sfenthourakis.
University of Cyprus

Dr. Spyros Sfenthourakis, is a Professor of Biodiversity and Ecology at the Dept. of Biological Sciences (Univ. of Cyprus). He studied Biology at the Univ. of Athens from where he also took his PhD diploma (1994). His research addresses eco-evolutionary patterns and processes shaping animal communities, mostly within the fields of phylogeography, island biogeography, and community ecology. He is a specialist in isopod systematics and has described ca. 25 species new to science.
His research on biodiversity explores, inter alia, the evolutionary diversification of taxa on insular habitats and elevation gradients. During his 30-years experience in eco-evolutionary studies, he worked as a research fellow at the Zoological Museum of the Univ. of Athens and the Museum of Natural History of Crete (Univ. of Crete), and as academic staff member at the Dept. of Biology of the Univ. of Patras (2001-11) before moving to the Univ. of Cyprus. He has published some 80 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals and volumes, participated in ca. 70 international and national congresses with >140 communications, and has organized ca.10 such congresses.
Prof. Sfenthourakis has coordinated several research projects on phylogeography, ecology and conservation, and has reviewed >150 papers in >60 scientific journals. He has edited several scientific volumes and has translated or was scientific editor for Greek editions of >20 textbooks and popular science books and is in the Editorial Boards of 6 international scientific journals, such as the Journal of Biogeography. He has served in several national committees of Greece and Cyprus (CITES, Natura 2000, Alien Invasive Species etc.), as a Greek delegate to 2 CoPs of the Convention on Biological Diversity, and has edited the faunal part of the National Biodiversity Strategy of Cyprus. He serves in the Boards of the Society of Biological Sciences in Cyprus, the Hellenic Evolutionary Society, the Hellenic Zoological Society and the Hellenic Ecological Society, and is member in several other, such as the International Biogeography Society.