The FEBS Council voted to admit βιος-SBScy as new Member of FEBS, the Constituent Society representing Cyprus, at the session that took place in Lisbon on July 14th 2022. The decision took effect on the same day and, so, we are now an official Member of this important and historic scientific organization!
This means, that the βιος-SBSCy members are now eligible to apply for all the benefits of the rich scientific programme offered by FEBS, including personal fellowships to conduct research (Short-Term Fellowships, Collaborative Developmental Scholarships, and Summer Fellowships), the FEBS Excellent Award to support early-career group leaders in the FEBS area, Youth Travel Grants to attend Conferences, Advanced Courses, Ph.D. and Postdoc Career Development Meetings, Science and Society Events, and eligibility for support for Meetings by Constituent Societies, among others.
Please, have a look at the FEBS website to learn about all the great opportunities afforded by our participation as Members: Furthermore, we have secured a “FEBS National Lecture” award to host a talk by Prof. Anders H. Lund, our distinguished Plenary Speaker, at the forthcoming 1st βιος-SBSCy National Conference on Molecular Life Sciences (Nicosia, 22-23 October).